MA4E2054L-1261 Low Barrier Schottky Chip
The MA4E2054L-1261 diode is a low barrier, n-type, silicon Schottky device. It is useful as a high performance mixer or detector diode at frequencies from VHF through X-band. These chips can be used in automatic assembly processes due to their 0.004” gold bond pads and sturdy construction.
技术特性 Features
- Low IR (<100nA @ 1V, <500nA @ 3V)
- Designed for High Volume, Low Cost Detector
and Mixer Applications
- Low Noise Figure: 5.7 dB (SSB) at X-Band
- High Detector Sensitivity: -55 dBm TSS
- Low Capacitance: 0.14 pF (typ.)
- Low 1/F Noise
- RoHS* Compliant
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