MAAM-007501-SA2002 Cascadable Amplifier 20 to 2700 MHz

The MAAM-007501-SA2002 amplifier is a discrete hybrid design, which uses thin film manufacturing processes for accurate performance and high reliability. This single stage PHEMT feedback amplifier design displays impressive performance over a broadband frequency range. The design also incorporates the use of an impedance transformer, and an RF choke is used for power supply decoupling. The Surface Mount package is hermetically sealed, and MIL-STD-883 environmental screening is available.

技术特性 Features
  • OUTPUT POWER: +27 dBm (TYP.)
  • HIGH THIRD ORDER IP: +40.0 dBm (TYP.)
订购信息 Ordering Information
  • MAAM-007501-SA2002 TO-8
  • MAAM-007501-SA2002 Surface Mount
  • MAAM-007501-SA2002 SMA Connectorized **
MAAM-007501-SA2002 产品实物图

MAAM-007501-SA2002 产品实物图

应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载 版本信息 大小
MAAM-007501-SA2002数据资料DataSheet下载:PDF Rev.V2 Rev. V3