M/A-COM’s MADS-001317-1320AG is a Gallium Arsenide Flip-Chip Schottky diode with solder bumps. These devices are fabricated on OMCVD epitaxial wafers using a process designed for high device uniformity and extremely low parasitics. This device can be used up to 80 GHz. This diode is fully passivated with silicon nitride and has an additional layer of a polymer for scratch protection. The protective coatings prevent damage to the junction during handling and circuit attachment.
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应用领域 ApplicationsThe high cutoff frequency of this device allows use through millimeter wave frequencies. Typical Applications include single and double balanced mixers in PCN transceivers, radios, police radar detectors and automotive radar detectors. MADS-001317-1320AG 产品实物图 |
应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载 | 版本信息 | 大小 |
MADS-001317-1320AG 数据资料DataSheet下载:PDF | Rev.V2 | 2 页 |