MASW-000822-12770T HMICTM PIN Diode SP2T 10 Watt Switch for 0.05 - 6.0 GHz Higher Power Applications
MA-COM’s MASW-000822-12770T is a Broadband, high linearity, common anode PIN diode SPDT switch in a lead-free 3 mm 16-lead PQFN package. The MASW-00822-1277OT is ideally suited for 0.05 - 6.0 GHz applications, including WiMax & WLAN. This SP2T switch offers excellent isolation to loss ratio for both Tx and Rx states. The PIN diode provides exceptional 10 W C.W power handling coupled with 65 dBm IIP3 for maximum switch performance @ 3.8GHz. This MASW-000822-1277OT incorporates a PIN diode die fabricated with M/A-COM’s patented Silicon-Glass HMICTM process. This chip features two silicon pedestals embedded in a low loss, low dispersion glass. The diodes are formed on the top of each pedestal. The topside is fully encapsulated with silicon nitride and has an additional polymer passivation layer. These polymer protective coatings prevent damage and contamination during handling and assembly.
技术特性 Features
- Exceptional Broadband Performance
- Suitable for Higher Power WiMax & WLAN
- Lower Loss:
Tx = 0.40 dB @ 3.8 GHz, 22mA
Rx = 0.60 dB @ 3.8 GHz, 22mA
- Higher Isolation:
Rx-Tx = 21 dB @ 3.8 GHz
Tx-Rx = 26 dB @ 3.8 GHz
- Higher RF Input Power = 10 W C.W.
( Tx-Ant Port )
- Higher IIP3 = 65 dBm ( Tx-Ant Port ).
- Lower EVM (OFDM):
< 1.0% @ 8W Pin, ( Tx-Ant Port )
- Lead-Free 3 mm 16-Lead PQFN Package
- 100% Matte Tin Plating over Copper
- Halogen-Free “Green” Mold Compound
- RoHS* Compliant and 260°C Reflow Compatible
订购信息 Ordering Information
- MASW-000822-1277OT 1000 piece reel, 7 inch
- MASW-000822-001SMB Sample Board
功能框图 Functional Block Diagram