CY8C4014SXI-420TAutomotive Qualified | N |
Boost Converter (V) | 0 |
CPU Core | ARM Cortex-M0 |
CapSense | Y |
EEPROM (KB) | 0 |
Flash (KB) | 16 |
LCD Direct Drive | N |
Max. Operating Frequency (MHz) | 16 |
Max. Operating Temp. (°C) | 85 |
Max. Operating Voltage (V) | 5.50 |
Min. Operating Temp. (°C) | -40 |
Min. Operating Voltage (V) | 1.71 |
No. of CAN Controllers | 0 |
No. of Continuous Time Blocks | 0 |
No. of DMA Channels | 0 |
No. of Dedicated Comparators | 1 |
No. of Dedicated Timer/Counter/PWM Blocks | 1 |
No. of GPIOs | 5 |
No. of Op Amps | 0 |
No. of SIO | 0 |
No. of Serial Communication Blocks | 1 |
No. of USB IO | 0 |
No. of Universal Digital Blocks | 0 |
SRAM (KB) | 2 |
Tape & Reel | Y |
USB (Type) | None |
Pricing & Inventory Availability1-9 unit Price* | 10-24 unit Price* | 25-99 unit Price* | 100-249 unit Price* | 250-999 unit Price* | 1000+ unit Price* |
$1.02 | $0.97 | $0.93 | $0.89 | $0.84 | $0.77 |