HIP6020: Advanced Dual PWM and Dual Linear Power Controller

The HIP6020 provides the power control and protection for four output voltages in high-performance, graphics intensive microprocessor and computer applications. The IC integrates two PWM controllers and two linear controllers, as well as the monitoring and protection functions into a 28-pin SOIC package. One PWM controller regulates the microprocessor core voltage with a synchronous-rectified buck converter. The second PWM controller supplies the computer system's AGP 1.5V or 3.3V bus power with a standard buck converter. The linear controllers regulate power for the 1.5V GTL bus and the 1.8V power for the North/South Bridge core voltage and/or cache memory circuits.

The HIP6020 includes an Intel-compatible, TTL 5-input digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that adjusts the core PWM output voltage from 1.3VDC to 2.05VDC in 0.05V steps and from 2.1VDC to 3.5VDC in 0.1V increments. The precision reference and voltage-mode control provide ±1% static regulation. The second PWM controller's output is userselectable, through a TTL-compatible signal applied at the SELECT pin, for levels of 1.5V or 3.3V with ±3% accuracy. The linear regulators use external N-Channel MOSFETs or bipolar NPN pass transistors to provide fixed output voltages of 1.5V ±3% (VOUT3) and 1.8V ±3% (VOUT4).

The HIP6020 monitors all the output voltages. A single Power Good signal is issued when the core is within ±10% of the DAC setting and all other outputs are above their under- voltage levels. Additional built-in over-voltage protection for the core output uses the lower MOSFET to prevent output voltages above 115% of the DAC setting. The PWM controllers' over-current function monitors the output current by using the voltage drop across the upper MOSFET's rDS(ON), eliminating the need for a current sensing resistor.

Key Features
  • Provides 4 Regulated Voltages
    • Microprocessor Core, AGP Bus, North/South Bridge and/or Cache Memory, and GTL Bus Power
  • Drives N-Channel MOSFETs
  • Linear Regulator Drives Compatible with both MOSFET and Bipolar Series Pass Transistors
  • Simple Single-Loop Control Designs
    • Voltage-Mode PWM Control
  • Fast PWM Converter Transient Response
    • High-Bandwidth Error Amplifiers
    • Full 0% to 100% Duty Ratios
  • Excellent Output Voltage Regulation
    • Core PWM Output: ±1% Over Temperature
    • AGP Bus PWM Output: ±3% Over Temperature
    • Other Outputs: ±3% Over Temperature
  • TTL-Compatible 5 Bit DAC Microprocessor Core Output Voltage Selection
    • Wide Range 1.3VDC to 3.5VDC
  • Power-Good Output Voltage Monitor
  • Over-Voltage and Over-Current Fault Monitors
    • Switching Regulators Do Not Require Extra Current Sensing Elements, Use MOSFET's rDS(ON)
  • Small Converter Size
    • Constant Frequency Operation
    • 200kHz Free-Running Oscillator; Programmable From 50kHz to Over 1MHz
    • Small External Component Count
  • Motherboard Power Regulation for Computers
Typical Diagram
Application Notes
TitleTypeUpdatedSizeOther Languages
AN9836: Motherboard Power Conversion Solutions Using the HIP6020 and HIP6021 Controller ICsPDF13 Nov 2014382 KB
TitleTypeUpdatedSizeOther Languages
HIP6020A DatasheetPDF14 Nov 2014709 KB
HIP6020 DatasheetPDF14 Nov 2014367 KB
White Papers
TitleTypeUpdatedSizeOther Languages
Five Easy Steps to Create a Multi-Load Power SolutionPDF30 Jan 2017502 KB
How Green is Your Cloud?PDF05 May 2015275 KB
Order Information
Part NumberPackage TypeWeight(g)PinsMSL RatingPeak Temp (°C)RoHS Status
HIP6020CB28 Ld SOIC0.75282240
HIP6020CB-T28 Ld SOIC T+R0.75282240
HIP6020A Datasheet 14 Nov 2014
HIP6020 Datasheet 14 Nov 2014
AN9836: Motherboard Power Conversion Solutions Using the HIP6020 and HIP6021 Controller ICs 13 Nov 2014
How Green is Your Cloud? 05 May 2015
Five Easy Steps to Create a Multi-Load Power Solution 30 Jan 2017