The TC7109 is a 12-bit plus sign, CMOS low-power analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Only eight passive components and a crystal are required to form a complete dual-slope integrating ADC. The improved Voh source current TC7109 has features that make it an attractive per-channel alternative to analog multiplexing for many data acquisition applications. These features include typical input bias current of 1pA, drift of less than 1 µV/°C, input noise typically 15 µVp-p, and auto-zero. True differential input and reference allow measurement of bridge-type transducers such as load cells, strain gauges, and temperature transducers. In the handshake mode, the TC7109 will operate with industry-standard UARTs in controlling serial data transmission - ideal for remote data logging.
| 技术参数
TC7109/A Data Sheet | Data Sheets | 02/05/2013 | 359KB | |
Analog & Interface Guide (Volume 2) | Brochures | 10/11/2005 | 1067KB | |
Quick Guide to Microchip Development Tools | Brochures | 10/15/2014 | 11223KB | |
Analog & Interface Product Selector Guide | Product Line Card | 03/21/2016 | 4116KB |
Part Number | Leads | Package Type | Temp Range | Packing | 1+ | 26+ | 100+ | 1000+ | 5000+ |
TC7109CKW | 44 | MQFP | 0C to +70C | TRAY | 12.14 | 10.12 | 9.20 | 7.67 | 7.08 |
TC7109CKW713 | 44 | MQFP | 0C to +70C | T/R | 12.14 | 10.12 | 9.20 | 7.67 | 7.08 |
TC7109CLW | 44 | PLCC | 0C to +70C | TUBE | 11.22 | 9.35 | 8.50 | 7.08 | 6.54 |
TC7109CPL | 40 | PDIP | 0C to +70C | TUBE | 7.26 | 6.05 | 5.50 | 4.58 | 4.23 |
Product | Supply Voltage Range (V) | Input Voltage Range (V) | Resolution | Price5K |
TC500 | -1.5 to +1.5 | Up to 16 bits | $1.62 | |
TC500A | -1.5 to +1.5 | Up to 17 bits | $2.25 | |
TC510 | -1.5 to +1.5 | Up to 17 bits | $2.29 | |
TC514 | -1.5 to +1.5 | Up to 17 bits | $2.85 | |
TC520A | 4.5 - 5.5 | Vss + 1.5 to Vdd - 1.5 | Up to 17 bits | $3.43 |
TC7109 | 4.5 - 5.5 | -1.5 to +1.5 | 12 bits plus sign bit | $3.93 |
TC7109A | -1.5 to +1.5 | 12 bits plus sign bit | $4.64 |
PartNumber | DeviceWeight | ShippingWeight | LeadCount | PackageType | PackageWidth | SolderComposition | JEDECIndicator | RoHS | ChinaEFUP |
TC7109CPL | 6.500000 | 10.600000 | 40 | PDIP | .600in | Matte Tin | e3 | ||
TC7109ACPL | 6.500000 | 10.600000 | 40 | PDIP | .600in | Matte Tin | e3 | ||
TC7109CLW | 2.375500 | 3.703704 | 44 | PLCC | - | Matte Tin | e3 | ||
TC7109ACLW713 | 2.375500 | 3.400000 | 44 | PLCC | - | Matte Tin | e3 | ||
TC7109ACLW | 2.375500 | 3.703704 | 44 | PLCC | - | Matte Tin | e3 | ||
TC7109CKW | 0.485400 | 3.895833 | 44 | MQFP | 10x10x2mm | Matte Tin | e3 | ||
TC7109CKW713 | 0.485400 | 1.296667 | 44 | MQFP | 10x10x2mm | Matte Tin | e3 | ||
TC7109ACKW | 0.485400 | 3.895833 | 44 | MQFP | 10x10x2mm | Matte Tin | e3 |