NCP1010: High Voltage Switching Regulator for Offline SMPS

The NCP101X series integrates a fixed-frequency current-mode controller and a 700 V voltage MOSFET. Housed in a PDIP7 package, the NCP101X offers everything needed to build a rugged and low-cost power supply, including soft-start, frequency jittering, short-circuit protection, skip-cycle, a maximum peak current setpoint and a Dynamic Self-Supply (no need for an auxiliary winding).Unlike other monolithic solutions, the NCP101X is quiet by nature: during nominal load operation, the part switches at one of the available frequencies (65-100-130 kHz). When the current setpoint falls below a given value, e.g. the output power demand diminishes, the IC automatically enters the so-called skip cycle mode and provides excellent efficiency at light loads. Because this occurs at typically 1/4 of the maximum peak value, no acoustic noise takes place. As a result, standby power is reduced to the minimum without acoustic noise generation.

  • Built-in 700V MOSFET with Typical RdsON of 11 or 22 Ohms
  • Large Creepage Distance between High-Voltage Pins
  • Current- Mode Fixed Frequency Operation: 65kHz - 100kHz - 130kHz
  • Skip-Cycle Operation at Low Peak Currents Only: No Acoustic Noise!
  • Dynamic Self-Supply, No Need of an Auxiliary Winding
  • Internal 1ms Soft-Start
  • Auto-Recovery Internal Output Short-Circuit Protection
  • Latched Overvoltage Protection with Auxiliary Winding Operation
  • Frequency Jittering for better EMI Signature
  • Below 100 mW Standby Power if Auxiliary Winding is Used
  • Internal Temperature Shutdown
  • Direct Optocoupler Connection
  • SPICE Models Available for Transient AC analysis
  • Pb-Free Packages are Available
  • Auxiliary Power Supplies
  • Low Power AC/DC Adapter for Chargers
设计和开发工具 (1)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
Flyback Current Mode Loop Compensation Design WorksheetFLYBACK DWS.XLS.ZIP (3516kB)10Dec, 2014
数据表 (1)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
Self-Supplied Monolithic Switcher for Low Standby-Power Offline SMPSNCP1010/D (346kB)24Oct, 2016
应用注释 (15)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
A 6 W/12 W Universal Mains Adapter with the NCP101XAND8142/D (161.0kB)0
Designing Converters with the NCP101X FamilyAND8134/D (140.0kB)0
Evaluating the Power Capability of NCP101X MembersAND8125/D (57.0kB)0
Implementing Simple Brown-Out Solution for NCP101X SeriesAND8272/D (43.0kB)0
Increasing the Efficiency of Low Power Converters with Resonant SnubbersAND8296/D (98.0kB)1
NCP101x LED Flasher with Luxeon V Star LEDAND8224/D (98.0kB)0
Non-isolated Negative Output Buck AC/DC ConverterAND8190/D (49.0kB)0
Non-isolated Positive Output Buck/Boost AC/DC ConverterAND8191/D (58.0kB)0
Nonisolated Negative Output Buck/Boost AC/DC ConvertorAND8225/D (887.0kB)1
Nonisolated Positive Output Buck AC/DC ConverterAND8226/D (1563.0kB)1
Offline Buck Converter with Tapped Inductor Improves PerformanceAND8318/D (100.0kB)1
Performance Improvements to the NCP1012 Evaluation BoardAND8132/D (95.0kB)0
Simple Secondary Side Vcc Source for Low Power CVCC Power SuppliesAND8395/D (124.0kB)0
Stability Analysis in Multiple Loop SystemsAND8327/D (213.0kB)0
Understanding Loop Compensation with Monolithic SwitchersAND8334/D (167.0kB)0
封装图纸 (2)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevision
PDIP-7 (PDIP-8 LESS PIN 6)626A-01 (34.2kB)C
SOT-223 (TO-261) 4 LEAD318E-04 (68.4kB)N
仿真模型 (2)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
IsSpice model for NCP101XNCP101X_ISSPICE (160.0kB)0
OrCAD model for NCP101XNCP101X_ORCAD (26.0kB)0
产品状况Compliance封装MSL*容器预算价格 (1千个数量的单价)
NCP1010AP065GActivePb-free Halide freePDIP-7626A-01NATube50$0.32
NCP1010AP100GActivePb-free Halide freePDIP-7626A-01NATube50$0.32
NCP1010AP130GActivePb-free Halide freePDIP-7626A-01NATube50$0.32
NCP1010ST100T3GActivePb-free Halide freeSOT-223-4 / TO-261-4318E-041Tape and Reel4000$0.4267
NCP1010ST130T3GActivePb-free Halide freeSOT-223-4 / TO-261-4318E-041Tape and Reel4000$0.4267
NCP1010ST65T3GActivePb-free Halide freeSOT-223-4 / TO-261-4318E-041Tape and Reel4000$0.32
ProductControl Modefsw Typ (kHz)fJitter Typ (%)Stand-by ModeRDS(ON) Typ (Ω)V(BR)DSS Max (V)IPeak (mA)HV Start-up Min (V)DSS (mA)UVLOShort Circuit ProtectionOver Power CompensationBrown-outLatch
NCP1010AP065G Design itCurrent Mode65YesYes25700100Yes8.5YesYesNoNoYes
NCP1010AP100G Design itCurrent Mode100YesYes25700100Yes8.5YesYesNoNoYes
NCP1010AP130G Design itCurrent Mode130YesYes25700100Yes8.5YesYesNoNoYes
NCP1010ST100T3G Design itCurrent Mode100YesYes25700100Yes8.5YesYesNoNoYes
NCP1010ST130T3G Design itCurrent Mode130YesYes25700100Yes8.5YesYesNoNoYes
NCP1010ST65T3G Design itCurrent Mode65YesYes25700100Yes8.5YesYesNoNoYes
Self-Supplied Monolithic Switcher for Low Standby-Power Offline SMPS (346kB) NCP1014
SOT-223 (TO-261) 4 LEAD NCV8452
Evaluating the Power Capability of NCP101X Members NCP1015
Performance Improvements to the NCP1012 Evaluation Board NCP1015
Designing Converters with the NCP101X Family NCP1015
A 6 W/12 W Universal Mains Adapter with the NCP101X NCP1015
Non-isolated Negative Output Buck AC/DC Converter NCP1015
Non-isolated Positive Output Buck/Boost AC/DC Converter NCP1015
NCP101x LED Flasher with Luxeon V Star LED NCP1015
Nonisolated Negative Output Buck/Boost AC/DC Convertor MUR160
Nonisolated Positive Output Buck AC/DC Converter MUR160
Implementing Simple Brown-Out Solution for NCP101X Series NCP1015
Increasing the Efficiency of Low Power Converters with Resonant Snubbers NCP1028
Offline Buck Converter with Tapped Inductor Improves Performance NCP1055
Stability Analysis in Multiple Loop Systems NCP1055
Understanding Loop Compensation with Monolithic Switchers NCP1028
Simple Secondary Side Vcc Source for Low Power CVCC Power Supplies NCP4300A
Flyback Current Mode Loop Compensation Design Worksheet NCP1129
IsSpice model for NCP101X NCP1015
OrCAD model for NCP101X NCP1015