NCP1010: High Voltage Switching Regulator for Offline SMPS
The NCP101X series integrates a fixed-frequency current-mode controller and a 700 V voltage MOSFET. Housed in a PDIP7 package, the NCP101X offers everything needed to build a rugged and low-cost power supply, including soft-start, frequency jittering, short-circuit protection, skip-cycle, a maximum peak current setpoint and a Dynamic Self-Supply (no need for an auxiliary winding).Unlike other monolithic solutions, the NCP101X is quiet by nature: during nominal load operation, the part switches at one of the available frequencies (65-100-130 kHz). When the current setpoint falls below a given value, e.g. the output power demand diminishes, the IC automatically enters the so-called skip cycle mode and provides excellent efficiency at light loads. Because this occurs at typically 1/4 of the maximum peak value, no acoustic noise takes place. As a result, standby power is reduced to the minimum without acoustic noise generation.

Features- Built-in 700V MOSFET with Typical RdsON of 11 or 22 Ohms
- Large Creepage Distance between High-Voltage Pins
- Current- Mode Fixed Frequency Operation: 65kHz - 100kHz - 130kHz
- Skip-Cycle Operation at Low Peak Currents Only: No Acoustic Noise!
- Dynamic Self-Supply, No Need of an Auxiliary Winding
- Internal 1ms Soft-Start
- Auto-Recovery Internal Output Short-Circuit Protection
- Latched Overvoltage Protection with Auxiliary Winding Operation
- Frequency Jittering for better EMI Signature
- Below 100 mW Standby Power if Auxiliary Winding is Used
- Internal Temperature Shutdown
- Direct Optocoupler Connection
- SPICE Models Available for Transient AC analysis
- Pb-Free Packages are Available
Applications | End Products- Low Power AC/DC Adapter for Chargers
Design & Development Tools (1)
Data Sheets (1)
Application Notes (15)
Package Drawings (2)
Simulation Models (2)
Order Information
Product | Status | Compliance | Package | MSL* | Container | Budgetary Price/Unit |
NCP1010AP065G | Active | Pb-free
Halide free | PDIP-7 | 626A-01 | NA | Tube | 50 | $0.32 |
NCP1010AP100G | Active | Pb-free
Halide free | PDIP-7 | 626A-01 | NA | Tube | 50 | $0.32 |
NCP1010AP130G | Active | Pb-free
Halide free | PDIP-7 | 626A-01 | NA | Tube | 50 | $0.32 |
NCP1010ST100T3G | Active | Pb-free
Halide free | SOT-223-4 / TO-261-4 | 318E-04 | 1 | Tape and Reel | 4000 | $0.4267 |
NCP1010ST130T3G | Active | Pb-free
Halide free | SOT-223-4 / TO-261-4 | 318E-04 | 1 | Tape and Reel | 4000 | $0.4267 |
NCP1010ST65T3G | Active | Pb-free
Halide free | SOT-223-4 / TO-261-4 | 318E-04 | 1 | Tape and Reel | 4000 | $0.32 |
Product | Control Mode | fsw Typ (kHz) | fJitter Typ (%) | Stand-by Mode | RDS(ON) Typ (Ω) | V(BR)DSS Max (V) | IPeak (mA) | HV Start-up Min (V) | DSS (mA) | UVLO | Short Circuit Protection | Over Power Compensation | Brown-out | Latch |
Design it | Current Mode | 65 | Yes | Yes | 25 | 700 | 100 | Yes | 8.5 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Design it | Current Mode | 100 | Yes | Yes | 25 | 700 | 100 | Yes | 8.5 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Design it | Current Mode | 130 | Yes | Yes | 25 | 700 | 100 | Yes | 8.5 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Design it | Current Mode | 100 | Yes | Yes | 25 | 700 | 100 | Yes | 8.5 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Design it | Current Mode | 130 | Yes | Yes | 25 | 700 | 100 | Yes | 8.5 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Design it | Current Mode | 65 | Yes | Yes | 25 | 700 | 100 | Yes | 8.5 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |