STM8AL3188:Automotive 8-bit ultra-low-power MCU with 64 Kbytes Flash, LIN, RTC, data EEPROM, timers, USARTs, I2C, SPIs, ADC, DAC, COMPs

The high-density STM8AL3x8x ultra-low-power devices feature an enhanced STM8 CPU core providing increased processing power (up to 16 MIPS at 16 MHz) while maintaining the advantages of a CISC architecture with improved code density, a 24-bit linear addressing space and an optimized architecture for low-power operations.

The family includes an integrated debug module with a hardware interface (SWIM) which allows non-intrusive in-application debugging and ultrafast Flash programming.

All high-density STM8AL3x8x microcontrollers feature embedded data EEPROM and low-power low-voltage single-supply program Flash memory.

The devices incorporate an extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripherals, a 12-bit ADC, two DACs, two comparators, a real-time clock, 8x40 or 4x44-segment LCD, four 16-bit timers, one 8-bit timer, as well as standard communication interfaces such as two SPIs, an I2C interface, and three USARTs. One 8x40 or 4x44-segment LCD is available on the STM8AL3L8x devices. The modular design of the peripheral set allows the same peripherals to be found in different ST microcontroller families including 32-bit families. This makes any transition to a different family very easy, and simplified even more by the use of a common set of development tools.

Key Features

  • AEC-Q100 grade 1 qualified
  • Operating conditions
    • Operating power supply range 1.8 V to 3.6 V (down to 1.65 V at power down)
    • Temp. range: -40 to 85 or 125 °C
  • Low-power features
    • 5 low-power modes: Wait, Low-power run (5.9 μA), Low-power wait (3 μA), Active-halt with full RTC (1.4 μA), Halt (400 nA)
    • Consumption: 200 μA/MHz+330 μA
    • Fast wake up from Halt mode (4.7 μs)
    • Ultra-low leakage per I/0: 50 nA
  • Advanced STM8 core
    • Harvard architecture and 3-stage pipeline
    • Max freq: 16 MHz, 16 CISC MIPS peak
    • Up to 40 external interrupt sources
  • Reset and supply management
    • Low power, ultra safe BOR reset with 5 programmable thresholds
    • Ultra-low-power POR/PDR
    • Programmable voltage detector (PVD)
  • Clock management
    • 32 kHz and 1-16 MHz crystal oscillators
    • Internal 16 MHz factory-trimmed RC and 38 kHz low consumption RC
    • Clock security system
  • Low-power RTC
    • BCD calendar with alarm interrupt,
    • Digital calibration with +/- 0.5ppm accuracy
    • Advanced anti-tamper detection
  • DMA
    • 4 ch. for ADC, DACs, SPIs, I2 C, USARTs, Timers, 1 ch. for memory-to-memory
  • LCD: 8x40 or 4x44 w/ step-up converter
  • 12-bit ADC up to 1 Msps / 28 channels,
    • Temp. sensor and internal ref. voltage
  • Memories
    • Up to 64 Kbytes of Flash with up to 2 Kbytes of data EEPROM with ECC and RWW
    • Flexible write/read protection modes
    • Up to 4 Kbytes of RAM
  • 2x12-bit DAC (dual mode) with output buffer
  • 2 ultra-low-power comparators
    • 1 with fixed threshold and 1 rail to rail
    • Wakeup capability
  • Timers
    • Three 16-bit timers with 2 channels (IC, OC, PWM), quadrature encoder
    • One 16-bit advanced control timer with 3 channels, supporting motor control
    • One 8-bit timer with 7-bit prescaler
    • One window and one independent watchdog
    • Beeper timer with 1, 2 or 4 kHz frequencies
  • Communication interfaces
    • Two synchronous serial interface (SPI)
    • Fast I2 C 400 kHz SMBus and PMBus
    • Three USARTs (IrDA, LIN 1.3, LIN2.0)
  • Up to 67 I/Os, all mappable on interrupt vectors
  • Fast on-chip programming and non-intrusive debugging with SWIM, Bootloader using USART
  • 96-bit unique ID
DS10717: Automotive 8-bit ultra-low-power MCU, 64 Kbyte Flash, RTC, LCD, data EEPROM, timers, USARTs, I2C, SPIs, ADC, DAC, COMPs6.02 MB
AN1709: EMC design guide for ST microcontrollers2.0843 KB
AN3960: ESD considerations for touch sensing applications on MCUs2.0353 KB
AN1181: Electrostatic discharge sensitivity measurement1.649 KB
AN4312: Guidelines for designing touch sensing applications with surface sensors2.01 MB
AN3236: Guidelines to increase the number of touch sensing touchkeys4.0300 KB
AN2867: Oscillator design guide for STM8S, STM8A and STM32 microcontrollers10.02 MB
AN3101: STM8L05xxx/15xxx, STM8L162xx and STM8AL31xx/3Lxx internal RC oscillator calibration6.0429 KB
AN4310: Sampling capacitor selection guide for MCU based touch sensing applications3.0208 KB
AN4316: Tuning a STMTouch-based application3.0783 KB
AN3133: Using the STM8L05xxx/STM8L101xx/STM8L15xxx/STM8L162xx/STM8AL31xx/STM8AL3Lxx real-time clock5.2600 KB
Technical Notes & Articles
TN1163: Description of WLCSP for microcontrollers and recommendations for its use4.01 MB
TN0189: STM8 bootloader frequently asked questions2.4320 KB
TN1205: Tape and reel shipping media for STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers in FPN packages3.0753 KB
TN1206: Tape and reel shipping media for STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers in QFP packages3.0830 KB
TN1207: Tape and reel shipping media for STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers in SO packages1.0755 KB
TN1208: Tape and reel shipping media for STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers in TSSOP and SSOP packages1.0743 KB
RM0031: STM8L051/L052 Value Line, STM8L151/L152, STM8L162, STM8AL31, STM8AL3L MCU lines13.07 MB
PM0051: How to program STM8S and STM8A Flash program memory and data EEPROM3.3192 KB
PM0044: STM8 CPU programming manual3.4899 KB
ES0131: STM8AL318x, STM8AL3L8x, STM8AL3xE8x, STM8L052R8, STM8L15xx6/8 and STM8L162x8 device limitations6.0252 KB
STM32 and STM8 Functional Safety Packages21 MB
STM32 and STM8 embedded software solutions2.02 MB
Get ready for the largest IoT development ecosystem16.08721 KB
STM8 8-bit MCU family15.101 MB
Hardware Development Tools
AD/Stice_ConnectSTConnection Adapter to use with STICE-SYS00x emulation systems
AS/Stice_ConnectSTAdapter Socket for application board - to use with STICE-SYS00x emulation systems
CF/Stice_ConnectSTConnexion flex to use with STICE-SYS00x emulation systems
ST-LINKSTIn-circuit debugger and programmer for STM8 and STM32 MCUs; with IAR EWARM and Keil RVMDK and ST toolset
ST-LINK/V2STST-LINK/V2 in-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8 and STM32
STICESTFull-featured emulator offers flexible, modular debugging and programming solution
STX-RLINKRaisonanceIn-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8, ST7, STM32, STR7 and STR9 microcontrollers
Software Development Tools
FLASHER-STM8STSTM8 Flash loader demonstrator (UM0462)
IAR-EWSTM8IARIAR Integrated development environment and optimizing C compiler for STM8
IDEACosmicCosmic's toolchain for the STM8 family is part of a complete and uniform product line incorporating over 20 years of innovative design and development. Cosmic tools for STM8, 32K Special Edition limited to 32K bytes of code, one year free license available at Cosmic.
RIDE-STM8RaisonanceRaisonance branded integrated development environment for STM8 MCUs
STM-STUDIO-STM8STSTM Studio run-time variables monitoring and visualization tool for STM8 microcontrollers
STVD-STM8STST Visual develop IDE for developing ST7 and STM8 applications
STVP-LIB-STM8STSTVP programming toolkit: C++ source files for creating PC programming interface
STVP-STM8STST Visual Programmer STM8
winIDEA-STM8iSYSTEMiSYSTEM's complete software development and test solution for the STM8 MCUs
MCUs Embedded Software
STM8-SafeCLASSBSTFunctional safety package to achieve IEC 60730 Class B certification with the STM8
STM8S-TOUCH-LIBSTM8S touch-sensing library
STSW-STM8004STSTM8 optimized I2C examples (AN3281)
STSW-STM8006STExample of implementation of user bootloader (AN2659)
STSW-STM8016STSTM8L15x/16x/05x/AL3Lx/AL31x standard peripheral library
STSW-STM8045STAudio software codec for the STM8S
STSW-STM8046STAudio software codec for STM8L15xxx and STM8AL31xx/STM8AL3Lxx (AN3225)
STSW-STM8048STPrecision improvement techniques for the A/D converter of the STM8 microcontroller (AN2719)
STSW-STM8049STBasic in-application programming example using the STM8 I2C and SPI peripherals (AN2737)
STSW-STM8062STSTM8 in-application programming (IAP) using a customized bootloader (AN2659)
STSW-STM8064STSetup screensaver STM8 1024x768
STSW-STM8065STSetup screensaver STM8 1280x1024
STSW-STM8075STGuidelines for obtaining IEC 60335 Class B certification in an STM8 application (AN3181)
STSW-STM8076STAnalog-to-digital converter on STM8L and STM8AL devices: description and precision improvement techniques
STSW-STM8A-LINSTSTM8A LIN 2.1 software package
TAP-KNX-KAIStackTapkoKNX home automation for STM8 and STM32, from Tapko Technologies GMBH
Product Evaluation Tools
STM8A-DISCOVERYSTDiscovery kit with STM8AF5288 and STM8AL3L68 MCUs
型号PackagePacking TypeOperating Temperature (°C) (min)Operating Temperature (°C) (max)Unit Price (US$) *QuantityECCN (EU)ECCN (US)Country of Origin
STM8AL3188TAYLQFP 48 7x7x1.4Tray-40851.20210000NECEAR99MALAYSIA
STM8AL3188TCYLQFP 48 7x7x1.4Tray-401251.28610000NECEAR99MALAYSIA
STM8AL3188TCXLQFP 48 7x7x1.4Tape And Reel-401251.28610000NECEAR99MALAYSIA
STM8AL3188TAXLQFP 48 7x7x1.4Tape And Reel-40851.20210000NECEAR99MALAYSIA
型号PackageGradeRoHS Compliance GradeMaterial Declaration**
STM8AL3188TAYLQFP 48 7x7x1.4AutomotiveEcopack2
STM8AL3188TCYLQFP 48 7x7x1.4AutomotiveEcopack2
STM8AL3188TCXLQFP 48 7x7x1.4AutomotiveEcopack2
STM8AL3188TAXLQFP 48 7x7x1.4AutomotiveEcopack2
Automotive 8-bit ultra-low-power MCU, 64 Kbyte Flash, RTC, LCD, data EEPROM, timers, USARTs, I2C, SPIs, ADC, DAC, COMPs STM8AL3L89
Electrostatic discharge sensitivity measurement STM8L101G3
EMC design guide for ST microcontrollers STM8L101G3
Oscillator design guide for STM8S, STM8A and STM32 microcontrollers STM32L471ZE
STM8L05xxx/15xxx, STM8L162xx and STM8AL31xx/3Lxx internal RC oscillator calibration STM8L152R6
Using the STM8L05xxx/STM8L101xx/STM8L15xxx/STM8L162xx/STM8AL31xx/STM8AL3Lxx real-time clock STM8L101G3
Guidelines to increase the number of touch sensing touchkeys STM8L101G3
ESD considerations for touch sensing applications on MCUs STM8L101G3
Sampling capacitor selection guide for MCU based touch sensing applications STM8L101G3
Guidelines for designing touch sensing applications with surface sensors STM8L101G3
Tuning a STMTouch-based application STM8L101G3
STM8L101xx device limitations STM8L101G3
STM8AL318x, STM8AL3L8x, STM8AL3xE8x, STM8L052R8, STM8L15xx6/8 and STM8L162x8 device limitations STM8L152R6
STM32 LoRa® software expansion for STM32Cube I-CUBE-LRWAN
STM8 CPU programming manual STM8L101G3
How to program STM8S and STM8A Flash program memory and data EEPROM STM8S903K3
STM8L051/L052 Value Line, STM8L151/L152, STM8L162, STM8AL31, STM8AL3L MCU lines STM8L152R6
STM8L101xx device limitations STM8L101G3
STM8L101xx device limitations STM8L101G3
STM8 bootloader frequently asked questions STM8L101G3
Description of WLCSP for microcontrollers and recommendations for its use STM8L101G3
Tape and reel shipping media for STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers in FPN packages STM8L101G3
Tape and reel shipping media for STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers in QFP packages STM8L101G3
Tape and reel shipping media for STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers in SO packages STM8L101G3
Tape and reel shipping media for STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers in TSSOP and SSOP packages STM8L101G3