STSW-STM32077:STM32L1xx standard peripherals library

The STM32L1xx standard peripherals library, called STSW-STM32077, covers 3 abstraction levels, and includes a complete register address mapping with all bits, bitfields and registers declared in C. This avoids a cumbersome task and more important, it brings the benefits of a bug free reference mapping file, speeding up the early project phase.

The STSW-STM32077 also includes a collection of routines and data structures covering all peripheral functions (drivers with common API). It can directly be used as a reference framework, since it also includes macros for supporting core-related intrinsic features, common constants, and definition of data types.

Moreover a set of examples covering all available peripherals with template projects for the most common development tools. With the appropriate hardware evaluation board, this allows to get started with a brand-new micro within few hours.

Each driver consists of a set of functions covering all peripheral features. The development of each driver is driven by a common API (application programming interface) which standardizes the driver structure, the functions and the parameter names.

The driver source code is developed in ‘Strict ANSI-C’ (relaxed ANSI-C for projects and example files). It is fully documented and is MISRA®-C 2004 compliant. Writing the whole library in ‘Strict ANSI-C’ makes it independent from the development tools. Only the start-up files depend on the development tools. Thanks to the standard peripherals library, low-level implementation details are transparent so that reusing code on a different MCU requires only to reconfigure the compiler. As a result, developers can easily migrate designs across the STM32 series to quickly bring product line extensions to market without any redesign. In addition, the library is built around a modular architecture that makes it easy to tailor and run it on the same MCU using hardware platforms different from ST evaluation boards.

Key Features

  • Low level drivers covering all STM32L1xx peripherals, developed in ‘Strict ANSI-C’
  • 83 examples for 24 different peripherals
  • Template project for 3 different IDEs
DB2587: STM32L1xx standard peripherals library1.0112 KB
STM32™ 32-bit MCU family - Leading supplier of ARM® Cortex®-M microcontrollers16.021 MB
SLA0048: Mix Liberty + OSS + 3rd- party V1 - SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT2.18112 KB
MCUs Embedded Software
STM32CubeL1STEmbedded software for STM32 L1 series (HAL low level drivers, USB, File system, RTOS, Touch Sensing, Graphic - coming with examples running on ST boards: STM32 Nucleo, Discovery kits and Evaluation boards)
型号Software VersionSupplier
STM32L1xx standard peripherals library STSW-STM32077
STM32L1xx standard peripherals library STSW-STM32077
Mix Liberty + OSS + 3rd- party V1 - SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT STSW-STM32019