This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed specifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for low gate charge, low rDS(on) and fast switching speed.
Max rDS(on)This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed specificallyto improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters usingeither synchronous or conventional switching PWMcontrollers. It has been optimized for low gate charge, lowrDS(on) and fast switching speed. = 21.0m? at VGS= 4.5V, ID = 33A
Low gate charge: Qg(TOT) = 12.6nC(Typ), VGS = 10V
Low gate resistance
RoHS compliant
Ordering Code
Product & Eco Status
Unit Price/1K Order
Packing Method Convention
Package Marking Convention*
Full Production
ROHS Compliant as of 27-Feb-2006
China RoHS
TO-252 3L (DPAK)
2.285 x 6.54 x 9.905mm,