The LTC® 1981/LTC1982 are low-power, self-contained N-channel MOSFET drivers. An internal voltage tripler allows gates to be driven without the use of any external components. Internal regulation circuitry allows quiescent current to drop to 10µA per driver (20µA for LTC1981) once the gates are charged.
Low quiescent current and low shutdown current (under 1µA) make these parts ideal for battery and other power constrained systems. The wide input voltage range accommodates a variety of battery/input configurations.
Gate drive is internally clamped to 7.5V providing protection to the external MOSFET gate. The MOSFETs can be driven in either high side or low side mode.
The LTC1981 single driver version also includes a gate drive ready pin and twice the drive current capacity of the dual driver LTC1982.
The LTC1981 is available in a 5-pin SOT-23. The LTC1982 is available in a 6-pin SOT-23.
Part Number | Package | Temp | Price(1-99) | Price (1k)* |
LTC1981ES5#PBF | SOT-23 | E | $1.48 | |
LTC1981ES5#TRMPBF | SOT-23 | E | $1.48 | $1.28 |
LTC1981ES5#TRPBF | SOT-23 | E | $1.48 | $1.26 |