Linear Technology provides an extensive array of integrated circuits to monitor and control circuit board DC power supplies, and protect electronics from damaging voltages and currents. Monitoring functions include voltage supervision for reset generation, as well as ADC-based digital measurements of voltage, current, charge, power, energy, and temperature. For power control, devices can turn on/off power supply rails (e.g., through a pushbutton) and also sequence, track, trim, and margin them with precision. Devices such as Surge Stoppers, Hot Swap and Ideal diode controllers protect electronic sub-systems against abnormal voltages (undervoltage, overvoltage surges such as automotive load dump, reversed inputs, or reversed output ports) and currents (short-circuits, overcurrents, or reverse currents). Our robust Power over Ethernet (PoE) controllers allow up to 90W of power to be managed and transferred between power sourcing equipment (PSE) and powered devices (PDs) over low-cost Ethernet cables, thereby avoiding costly AC outlet installations and running power cables. All of these devices incorporate a high degree of accuracy, offer varying levels of functional integration, and feature analog or digital configuration, resulting in cost-efficient designs that would otherwise be burdened with multiple complicated components when designed discretely. The Monitor, Control and Protection family provides convenient solutions for the growing number of analog and digital power management functions demanded by today's high-performance systems.