NCP4587: Linear Voltage Regulator, LDO, 150 mA, with Auto Low Power Mode

The NCP4587 is a CMOS 150mA LDO which switches to a low power mode under light current loads. The device automatically switches back to a fast response mode as the output load increases above 3mA or can be placed in permanent fast mode through a mode select pin. The family is available in a variety of packages: SC70-5 (SC88A), SOT23-5 and an ultra thin (0.4mm) small 1.2x1.2 mm XDFN. Voltage options are available between 0.8V and 4.0V. Voltages can be available in 100mV steps - contact your local sales office to request your required package, voltage output and discharge combinations.

  • Iq is 55uA (typical) or 1.5uA in LP mode
  • Good PSRR - 70dB typical
  • Very Low Dropout: 120 mV when Vo > 2.6V
  • Auto Discharge, Enable high versions available
  • Excellent Output Voltage accuracy: ±1%
  • Automatically switches to LP mode to save power and battery life
  • Excellent noise rejection and filtering in Fast Mode
  • Low Input Voltages accepted, extending battery life and reducing power dissipation
  • Choose between fast shutoff or fast restart of the output voltage
  • Battery powered applications
  • Applications which are usually ON but not driving loads
  • Blue Ray, STB, DVD players
  • Instrumentation, meters, cameras
应用注释 (1)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
A Guide to Choosing the Right Ultra - Low IQ Low Dropout Linear Voltage RegulatorsAND9089/D (357.0kB)2
封装图纸 (2)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevision
SOT-23 5 LEAD1212-01 (56.9kB)A
XDFN6 1.2x1.2, 0.4P711AA (58.4kB)O
数据表 (1)
Document TitleDocument ID/SizeRevisionRevision Date
150 mA, Tri-mode LDO Linear Voltage RegulatorNCP4587/D (415.0kB)3
产品状况Compliance封装MSL*容器预算价格 (1千个数量的单价)
NCP4587DMX12TCGActivePb-free Halide freeXDFN-6711AA1Tape and Reel5000$0.3333
NCP4587DMX18TCGActivePb-free Halide freeXDFN-6711AA1Tape and Reel5000$0.3333
NCP4587DMX28TCGActivePb-free Halide freeXDFN-6711AA1Tape and Reel5000$0.3333
NCP4587DMX30TCGActivePb-free Halide freeXDFN-6711AA1Tape and Reel5000$0.3333
NCP4587DMX31TCGActivePb-freeXDFN-6711AA1Tape and Reel5000$0.3333
NCP4587DMX33TCGActivePb-free Halide freeXDFN-6711AA1Tape and Reel5000$0.3333
NCP4587DSN12T1GLast ShipmentsPb-free Halide freeSOT-23-51212-011Tape and Reel3000
NCP4587DSN18T1GLast ShipmentsPb-free Halide freeSOT-23-51212-011Tape and Reel3000
NCP4587DSN28T1GLast ShipmentsPb-free Halide freeSOT-23-51212-011Tape and Reel3000
NCP4587DSN30T1GLast ShipmentsPb-free Halide freeSOT-23-51212-011Tape and Reel3000
NCP4587DSN33T1GLast ShipmentsPb-free Halide freeSOT-23-51212-011Tape and Reel3000
ProductOutputPolarityVO (V)IO Typ (A)VI Max (V)VDO Typ (V)Iq Typ (mA)PSRR (dB)Noise (µVrms)
150 mA, Tri-mode LDO Linear Voltage Regulator (415.0kB) NCP4587
SOT-23 5 LEAD MC78PC28
XDFN6 1.2x1.2, 0.4P NCP4671
A Guide to Choosing the Right Ultra - Low IQ Low Dropout Linear Voltage Regulators MC78LC