
Debug Support
• Integrated debug support on Device. No debug header is required
• Optional external debug headers, AC244043 (F) / AC244044 (LF), are also available
• Debug and programming support is available via PICkit™ 3, and MPLAB® ICD 3
• For Debug Header information, please refer to

  • Enhanced Mid-range Core with 49 Instruction, 16 Stack Levels
  • Flash Program Memory with self read/write capability
  • Internal 32MHz oscillator
  • Integrated Capacitive mTouch Sensing Module
  • Data Signal Modulator for generation of custom bit streams
  • CVREF can be used as 5-bit DAC
  • MI2C, SPI, EUSART w/auto baud
  • 2 ECCP & 2 CCP (Enhanced/Capture Compare PWM)
  • Comparators with selectable Voltage Reference
  • 12 Channel 10b ADC with Voltage Reference
  • 25mA Source/Sink current I/O
  • Four 8-bit Timers (TMR0/TMR2/TMR4/TMR6)
  • One 16-bit Timer (TMR1)
  • Extended Watchdog Timer (EWDT)
  • Enhanced Power-On/Off-Reset
  • Brown-Out Reset (BOR)
  • In Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP)
  • On Board In-Circuit Debug
  • Wide Operating Voltage (1.8V – 5.5V)
  • Low Power PIC16LF182x variants (1.8V – 3.6V)
  • Standby Current (PIC16LF182X): 30 nA @ 1.8V, typical
Parameter Name Value Value
Program Memory Type Flash Flash
Program Memory (KB) 14 14
CPU Speed (MIPS) 8 8
RAM Bytes 1,024 1,024
Data EEPROM (bytes) 256 256
Digital Communication Peripherals 1-UART, 1-A/E/USART, 2-SPI, 2-I2C2-MSSP(SPI/I2C) 1-UART, 1-A/E/USART, 2-SPI, 2-I2C2-MSSP(SPI/I2C)
Capture/Compare/PWM Peripherals 2 CCP, 2 ECCP 2 CCP, 2 ECCP
Timers 4 x 8-bit, 1 x 16-bit 4 x 8-bit, 1 x 16-bit
ADC 12 ch, 10-bit 12 ch, 10-bit
Comparators 2 2
Temperature Range (C) -40 to 125 -40 to 125
Operating Voltage Range (V) 1.8 to 5.5 1.8 to 5.5
Pin Count 20 20
XLP Yes Yes
Cap Touch Channels 12 12
PIC16(L)F1825/1829 14/20-Pin Flash MCUs with XLP TechnologyData Sheets09/29/20154713KB
PIC16(L)F1825/1829 Silicon Errata and Data Sheet ClarificationErrata10/07/2014109KB
PIC12(L)F1822/PIC16(L)F182X Memory Programming SpecificationProgramming Specification09/27/2012593KB
AN1310 - High-Speed Bootloader for PIC16 and PIC18 DevicesAppNote02/03/2010482KB
AN1333 - Use and Calibration of the Internal Temperature IndicatorAppNote10/28/2013501KB
AN1450 - Delay Block/DebouncerAppNote07/30/20121414KB
AN1521 - Practical Guide to Implementing Solar Panel MPPT AlgorithmsAppNote05/14/2013440KB
AN1921 - Microchip TCP/IP Lite StackAppNote11/16/2015264KB
AN2039 - Four-Channel PIC16F1XXX Based Power SequencerAppNote11/30/2015706KB
AN2045 - Interfacing Serial EEPROMs with 8-Bit PIC MicrocontrollersAppNote01/21/20162087KB
AN2059 - LIN Basics and Implementation of the MCC LIN Stack Library on 8-Bit PIC MicrocontrollersAppNote02/24/2016816KB
AN2092 - Using the Temperature Indicator ModuleAppNote02/11/2016585KB
Bootloader Sell SheetBrochures05/22/20151201KB
Core Independent Peripherals for 8-bit PIC(R) Microcontrollers BrochureBrochures11/11/20123731KB
MPLAB® X IDE Product OverviewSell Sheets07/11/2011182KB
PIC12F/PIC16F182X Microcontroller Product OverviewSell Sheets08/30/2010134KB
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 1: Hello WorldCode Examples11/09/201299KB
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 10: Interrupts and internal pull-upsCode Examples10/04/2013110KB
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 11: Using indirect addressing to keep a moving averageCode Examples10/17/2013110KB
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 12: Using a lookup tableCode Examples12/12/2012106KB
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 13: Writing and reading internal EEPROMCode Examples12/12/2012117KB
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 2: BlinkCode Examples12/12/2012100KB
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 3: RotateCode Examples12/12/2012100KB
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 5: Variable speed rotate of LEDCode Examples12/12/2012105KB
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 6: Debouncing a switchCode Examples12/12/2012102KB
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 7: Reverse rotation using a switchCode Examples12/12/2012111KB
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 8: Using the PWM to dim an LEDCode Examples12/12/2012103KB
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 9: Using Timer 0 as a delayCode Examples12/12/2012101KB
Introl to PIC16 Lesson 4: Using the ADCCode Examples12/12/2012101KB
AN1921 Source codeAppNoteLiterature09/10/201516041KB
AN2045 EXP8I2CClick.X.zipAppNoteLiterature01/21/2016684KB
AN2045 EXP8SPIClick.X.zipAppNoteLiterature01/21/2016417KB
PIC12F1822/16F182X 8/14/20-Pin 8-Bit Flash MCU Product BriefProduct Brief03/15/2010249KB
PICkit 3 Starter Kit Board User's GuideUser Guides11/27/20121509KB
Part NumberLeadsPackage TypeTemp RangePacking1+26+100+1000+5000+
PIC16F1829-E/GZ20UQFN-40C to +125CTUBE1.581.431.301.191.14
PIC16F1829-E/ML20QFN-40C to +125CTUBE1.711.571.421.301.24
PIC16F1829-E/P20PDIP-40C to +125CTUBE1.951.791.621.491.42
PIC16F1829-E/SO20SOIC-40C to +125CTUBE1.771.621.471.351.28
PIC16F1829-E/SS20SSOP-40C to +125CTUBE1.611.481.341.231.17
PIC16F1829-H/ML20QFN-40C to >+125CTUBE2.061.891.711.581.50
PIC16F1829-H/SO20SOIC-40C to >+125CTUBE2.141.961.781.631.55
PIC16F1829-H/SS20SSOP-40C to >+125CTUBE1.931.771.601.471.40
PIC16F1829-I/GZ20UQFN-40C to +85CTUBE1.441.301.181.091.04
PIC16F1829-I/ML20QFN-40C to +85CTUBE1.561.431.301.191.13
PIC16F1829-I/P20PDIP-40C to +85CTUBE1.801.651.501.381.31
PIC16F1829-I/SO20SOIC-40C to +85CTUBE1.621.481.341.241.18
PIC16F1829-I/SS20SSOP-40C to +85CTUBE1.461.341.221.121.06
PIC16F1829T-E/ML20QFN-40C to +125CT/R1.741.601.451.331.27
PIC16F1829T-E/SS20SSOP-40C to +125CT/R1.641.511.371.261.20
PIC16F1829T-H/ML20QFN-40C to >+125CT/R2.141.961.781.631.55
PIC16F1829T-H/SO20SOIC-40C to >+125CT/R2.202.011.821.681.60
PIC16F1829T-H/SS20SSOP-40C to >+125CT/R1.981.821.651.521.44
PIC16F1829T-I/GZ20UQFN-40C to +85CT/R1.451.321.201.101.05
PIC16F1829T-I/ML20QFN-40C to +85CT/R1.611.481.341.231.17
PIC16F1829T-I/SO20SOIC-40C to +85CT/R1.671.531.381.271.21
PIC16F1829T-I/SS20SSOP-40C to +85CT/R1.511.391.261.161.10
PIC16LF1829-E/GZ20UQFN-40C to +125CTUBE1.581.431.301.191.14
PIC16LF1829-E/ML20QFN-40C to +125CTUBE1.711.571.421.301.24
PIC16LF1829-E/P20PDIP-40C to +125CTUBE1.951.791.621.491.42
PIC16LF1829-E/SO20SOIC-40C to +125CTUBE1.771.621.471.351.28
PIC16LF1829-E/SS20SSOP-40C to +125CTUBE1.611.481.341.231.17
PIC16LF1829-I/GZ20UQFN-40C to +85CTUBE1.441.301.181.091.04
PIC16LF1829-I/ML20QFN-40C to +85CTUBE1.561.431.301.191.13
PIC16LF1829-I/P20PDIP-40C to +85CTUBE1.801.651.501.381.31
PIC16LF1829-I/SO20SOIC-40C to +85CTUBE1.621.481.341.241.18
PIC16LF1829-I/SS20SSOP-40C to +85CTUBE1.461.341.221.121.06
PIC16LF1829T-I/GZ20UQFN-40C to +85CT/R1.451.321.201.101.05
PIC16LF1829T-I/ML20QFN-40C to +85CT/R1.611.481.341.231.17
PIC16LF1829T-I/SO20SOIC-40C to +85CT/R1.671.531.381.271.21
PIC16LF1829T-I/SS20SSOP-40C to +85CT/R1.511.391.261.161.10
PIC16F1829-E/P1.5129002.50000020PDIP.300inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829-I/P1.5129002.50000020PDIP.300inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829-E/SO0.5420000.97368420SOIC.300inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829T-I/SO0.5420000.31187520SOIC.300inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829-I/SO0.5420000.97368420SOIC.300inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829T-E/SO0.5420000.31187520SOIC.300inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829T-E/SOVAO0.5420000.31187520SOIC.300inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829-H/SO0.5420000.97368420SOIC.300inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829T-H/SO0.5420000.31187520SOIC.300inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829-I/ML0.0431000.07692320QFN4x4x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829-E/ML0.0431000.07692320QFN4x4x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829T-I/ML0.0431000.21212120QFN4x4x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829T-E/ML0.0431000.21212120QFN4x4x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829-E/MLVAO0.0431000.07692320QFN4x4x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829T-E/MLVAO0.0431000.21212120QFN4x4x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829T-I/MLVAO0.0431000.21212120QFN4x4x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829-I/MLVAO0.0431000.07692320QFN4x4x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829-H/ML0.0431000.07692320QFN4x4x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829T-H/ML0.0431000.21212120QFN4x4x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829T-H/MLVAO0.0431000.21212120QFN4x4x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829-H/MLVAO0.0431000.07692320QFN4x4x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829-ME2/PF0.4970002.333333100TQFP14x14x1mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829-E/SS0.1642000.34328420SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829T-I/SS0.1642000.41625020SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829-I/SS0.1642000.34328420SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829T-E/SS0.1642000.41625020SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829T-I/SSVAO0.1642000.41625020SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829LIN-E/SS0.1642000.34328420SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829LIN-I/SS0.1642000.34328420SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829LINT-I/SS0.1642000.41625020SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829LINT-E/SS0.1642000.41625020SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829LIN-E/SSVAO0.1642000.34328420SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829LINT-E/SSVAO0.1642000.41625020SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829LIN-I/SSVAO0.1642000.34328420SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829LINT-I/SSVAO0.1642000.41625020SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829T-E/SSVAO0.1642000.41625020SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829-H/SS0.1642000.34328420SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829T-H/SS0.1642000.41625020SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829-E/SSVAO0.1642000.34328420SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829T-I/GZ0.0207000.18181820UQFN4x4x0.5mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829T-E/GZ0.0207000.18181820UQFN4x4x0.5mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829-E/GZ0.0207000.06593420UQFN4x4x0.5mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1829-I/GZ0.0207000.06593420UQFN4x4x0.5mmMatte Tine3
AN1521 PIC16F1513
AN1921 PIC16F1513
AN2039 PIC16F1513
AN2045 PIC16F1513
AN2059 PIC16F1513
AN2092 PIC16F1513
AN1310 PIC16F1939
AN1333 PIC16F1513
AN1450 PIC16F1512
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 1: Hello World PIC16F1829
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 2: Blink PIC16F1829
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 3: Rotate PIC16F1829
Introl to PIC16 Lesson 4: Using the ADC PIC16F1829
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 5: Variable speed rotate of LED PIC16F1829
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 6: Debouncing a switch PIC16F1829
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 7: Reverse rotation using a switch PIC16F1829
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 8: Using the PWM to dim an LED PIC16F1829
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 9: Using Timer 0 as a delay PIC16F1829
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 10: Interrupts and internal pull-ups PIC16F1829
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 11: Using indirect addressing to keep a moving average PIC16F1829
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 12: Using a lookup table PIC16F1829
Intro to PIC16 Lesson 13: Writing and reading internal EEPROM PIC16F1829
Bootloader Sell Sheet PIC16F1513
PIC16(L)F1825/1829 14/20-Pin Flash MCUs with XLP Technology PIC16F1829
PIC12(L)F1822/PIC16(L)F182X Memory Programming Specification PIC16F1829
PIC12F1822/16F182X 8/14/20-Pin 8-Bit Flash MCU Product Brief PIC16F1829
PIC12F/PIC16F182X Microcontroller Product Overview PIC16F1847
Core Independent Peripherals for 8-bit PIC(R) Microcontrollers Brochure PIC16F1939
PICkit 3 Starter Kit Board User's Guide PIC16F1829
MPLAB® X IDE Product Overview 24VL025
PIC16(L)F1825/1829 Silicon Errata and Data Sheet Clarification PIC16F1829
AN1450 Source Code PIC16F1512
AN1921 Source code PIC16F1513
AN2045 EXP8I2CClick.X.zip PIC16F1513
AN2045 EXP8SPIClick.X.zip PIC16F1513
AN1310 Source Code PIC16F1939