
PIC16F18346 microcontrollers feature Analog, Core Independent Peripherals and communication peripherals, combined with Extreme Low Power (XLP) for wide range of general purpose and low power applications. The Peripheral Pin Select (PPS) functionality enables pin mapping when using the digital peripherals (CLC, CWG, CCP, PWM and communications) to add flexibility to the application design.

Demonstration Platform
Internet of Things Sensor Badge with interactive control via motion, multiple sensors, RGB LEDs and bluetooth communication.

  • Enhanced Mid-range Core with 49 Instruction, 16 Stack Levels
  • Flash Program Memory with self read/write capability
  • 256B EEPROM
  • IDLE and DOZE low power modes
  • Peripheral Module Disable (PMD)
  • Peripheral Pin Select (PPS)
  • 2x 10-bit PWMs
  • 4x Capture, Compare, PWM (CCP)
  • 2x Complementary Waveform Generator (CWG)
  • Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO)
  • 4x Configurable Logic Controller (CLC)
  • 17 Channel 10-bit ADC with Voltage Reference
  • 5-bit Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
  • 2x Comparator
  • 2x SPI/I2C
  • Enhanced Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (EUSART)
  • 4x 8-bit Timers (TMR0/TMR2)
  • 3x 16-bit Timer (TMR1)
  • Extended Watchdog Timer (WDT)
  • Enhanced Power-On/Off-Reset
  • Low-Power Brown-Out Reset (LPBOR)
  • Programmable Brown-Out Reset (BOR)
  • In Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP)
  • PIC16LF18346 (1.8V – 3.6V)
  • PIC16F18346 (2.3V – 5.5V)
Parameter Name Value Value
Program Memory Type Flash Flash
Program Memory (KB) 28 28
CPU Speed (MIPS) 8 8
RAM Bytes 2,048 2,048
Data EEPROM (bytes) 256 256
Digital Communication Peripherals 1-UART, 2-SPI, 2-I2C 1-UART, 2-SPI, 2-I2C
Capture/Compare/PWM Peripherals 4 CCP 4 CCP
Timers 4 x 8-bit, 3 x 16-bit 4 x 8-bit, 3 x 16-bit
ADC 17 ch, 10-bit 17 ch, 10-bit
Comparators 2 2
Temperature Range (C) -40 to 125 -40 to 125
Operating Voltage Range (V) 1.8 to 5.5 1.8 to 5.5
Pin Count 20 20
XLP Yes Yes
Cap Touch Channels 17 17
PIC16(L)F18326/18346 Full-Featured, Low Pin Count MCUs with XLPData Sheets04/07/20164653KB
PIC16(L)F183XX Memory ProgrammingProgramming Specification01/12/2016436KB
AN1333 - Use and Calibration of the Internal Temperature IndicatorAppNote10/28/2013501KB
AN1450 - Delay Block/DebouncerAppNote07/30/20121414KB
AN1451 - Glitch-Free Design Using the Configurable Logic Cell(CLC)AppNote07/25/20121495KB
AN1467 - High-Power CC/CV Battery Charger Using a Inverse SEPIC (Zeta) TopologyAppNote10/03/20121047KB
AN1470 - Manchester Decoder Using the CLC and NCOAppNote10/17/20121187KB
AN1473 - Various Solutions for Calculating a Pulse and Duty CycleAppNote12/05/2012572KB
AN1476 - Combining the CLC and NCO to Implement a High Resolution PWMAppNote08/17/2015317KB
AN1521 - Practical Guide to Implementing Solar Panel MPPT AlgorithmsAppNote05/14/2013440KB
AN1523 - Sine Wave Generator Using Numerically Controlled Oscillator ModuleAppNote05/10/20131234KB
AN1606 - Using the Configurable Logic Cell (CLC) to Interface a PIC16F1509 and WS2811 LED DriverAppNote12/16/2013242KB
AN1660 - A Complete Low-Cost Design and Analysis for Single and Multi-Phase AC Induction Motors Using an 8-Bit PIC16 MCUAppNote12/03/20141047KB
AN1921 - Microchip TCP/IP Lite StackAppNote11/16/2015264KB
AN2039 - Four-Channel PIC16F1XXX Based Power SequencerAppNote11/30/2015706KB
AN2045 - Interfacing Serial EEPROMs with 8-Bit PIC MicrocontrollersAppNote01/21/20162087KB
AN2059 - LIN Basics and Implementation of the MCC LIN Stack Library on 8-Bit PIC MicrocontrollersAppNote02/24/2016816KB
AN2092 - Using the Temperature Indicator ModuleAppNote02/11/2016585KB
TB3071 - Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with Linear Frequency OutputAppNote11/09/2012622KB
TB3096 - Pulse Code Modulated (PCM) Infrared Remote Control Using PIC16F1708AppNote07/15/2013557KB
TB3097 - Digital SMPS - Buck Converter using the PIC12F1501 NCO PeripheralAppNote08/09/2013696KB
TB3102 - Boost Converter Using the PIC12F1501 NCO PeripheralAppNote12/11/2013270KB
TB3118 - Complementary Waveform Generator Technical BriefAppNote11/25/2014375KB
TB3126 - PIC16(L)F183XX Data Signal Modulator (DSM) Technical BriefAppNote04/08/2015165KB
TB3130 - Peripheral Pin Select in 8-Bit MicrocontrollersAppNote02/23/2015588KB
TB3131 - Numerically Controlled Oscillator on PIC MicrocontrollersAppNote02/18/2015552KB
TB3133 - Configurable Logic Cell on PIC MicrocontrollersAppNote03/25/2015330KB
TB3138 - Zero-Cross Detection Module Technical BriefAppNote06/04/2015435KB
TB3144 - Doze, Idle and PMD Features of 8-Bit PIC MicrocontrollersAppNote10/12/2015151KB
TB3151 - Expanding 8-Bit Digital Communications Using Peripheral Pin Select (PPS)AppNote04/26/2016127KB
PIC16F18345 IoT Sensor Badge Demonstration Sell SheetBrochures10/21/20151046KB
PIC16F183XX and PIC16F188XX Sell SheetBrochures07/30/2015781KB
AN1660 Design FilesAppNoteLiterature02/25/20143307KB
AN1921 Source codeAppNoteLiterature09/10/201516041KB
AN2045 EXP8I2CClick.X.zipAppNoteLiterature01/21/2016684KB
AN2045 EXP8SPIClick.X.zipAppNoteLiterature01/21/2016417KB
TB3071 Source CodeAppNoteLiterature04/30/201318KB
PIC16F18345Silicon Product11/28/20130B
Configurable Logic Cell (CLC) Tips 'n TricksTips and Tricks10/01/20122041KB
New Peripherals Tips 'n TricksTips and Tricks09/14/2012405KB
Using the Configurable Logic Cell (CLC) to Interface a PIC16F1509 and WS2811 LEDTips and Tricks09/29/2015242KB
Part NumberLeadsPackage TypeTemp RangePacking1+26+100+1000+5000+
PIC16F18346-E/GZ20UQFN-40C to +125CTUBE1.311.
PIC16F18346-E/P20PDIP-40C to +125CTUBE1.611.481.341.231.17
PIC16F18346-E/SO20SOIC-40C to +125CTUBE1.391.
PIC16F18346-E/SS20SSOP-40C to +125CTUBE1.
PIC16F18346-I/GZ20UQFN-40C to +85CTUBE1.191.100.990.910.87
PIC16F18346-I/GZC0120UQFN-40C to +85CTUBE**********
PIC16F18346-I/P20PDIP-40C to +85CTUBE1.491.371.241.141.08
PIC16F18346-I/SO20SOIC-40C to +85CTUBE1.
PIC16F18346-I/SS20SSOP-40C to +85CTUBE1.161.060.960.880.84
PIC16F18346T-I/GZ20UQFN-40C to +85CT/R1.
PIC16F18346T-I/GZC0120UQFN-40C to +85CT/R**********
PIC16F18346T-I/SO20SOIC-40C to +85CT/R1.
PIC16F18346T-I/SS20SSOP-40C to +85CT/R1.181.080.980.900.85
PIC16LF18346-E/GZ20UQFN-40C to +125CTUBE1.311.
PIC16LF18346-E/P20PDIP-40C to +125CTUBE1.611.481.341.231.17
PIC16LF18346-E/SO20SOIC-40C to +125CTUBE1.391.
PIC16LF18346-E/SS20SSOP-40C to +125CTUBE1.
PIC16LF18346-I/GZ20UQFN-40C to +85CTUBE1.191.100.990.910.87
PIC16LF18346-I/GZC0220UQFN-40C to +85CTUBE**********
PIC16LF18346-I/P20PDIP-40C to +85CTUBE1.491.371.241.141.08
PIC16LF18346-I/SO20SOIC-40C to +85CTUBE1.
PIC16LF18346-I/SS20SSOP-40C to +85CTUBE1.161.060.960.880.84
PIC16LF18346T-I/GZ20UQFN-40C to +85CT/R1.
PIC16LF18346T-I/GZC0220UQFN-40C to +85CT/R**********
PIC16LF18346T-I/SO20SOIC-40C to +85CT/R1.
PIC16LF18346T-I/SS20SSOP-40C to +85CT/R1.181.080.980.900.85
PIC16F18346-E/P1.5129002.50000020PDIP.300inMatte Tine3
PIC16F18346-I/P1.5129002.50000020PDIP.300inMatte Tine3
PIC16F18346-E/SO0.5420000.97368420SOIC.300inMatte Tine3
PIC16F18346-I/SO0.5420000.97368420SOIC.300inMatte Tine3
PIC16F18346T-I/SO0.5420000.31187520SOIC.300inMatte Tine3
PIC16F18346-E/SS0.1642000.34328420SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F18346-I/SS0.1642000.34328420SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F18346T-I/SS0.1642000.41625020SSOP.209inMatte Tine3
PIC16F18346-E/GZ0.0207000.06593420UQFN4x4x0.5mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F18346-I/GZ0.0207000.06593420UQFN4x4x0.5mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F18346T-I/GZ0.0207000.18181820UQFN4x4x0.5mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F18346-I/GZC010.0207000.06593420UQFN4x4x0.5mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F18346T-I/GZC010.0207000.18181820UQFN4x4x0.5mmMatte Tine3
AN1333 PIC16F1512
AN1476 PIC16F1508
AN1521 PIC16F1513
AN1523 PIC16F1509
Using the Configurable Logic Cell (CLC) to Interface a PIC16F1509 and WS2811 LED PIC16F18346
AN1660 PIC16F1508
AN1921 PIC16F1513
AN2039 PIC16F1513
AN2045 PIC16F1513
AN2059 PIC16F1513
AN2092 PIC16F1513
AN1450 PIC16F1512
AN1451 PIC16F1508
AN1467 PIC16F1513
AN1470 PIC16F1508
AN1473 PIC12F1501
PIC16F183XX and PIC16F188XX Sell Sheet PIC16F18877
PIC16F18345 IoT Sensor Badge Demonstration Sell Sheet PIC16F18346
PIC16(L)F183XX Memory Programming PIC16F18346
PIC16(L)F18326/18346 Full-Featured, Low Pin Count MCUs with XLP PIC16F18346
Configurable Logic Cell (CLC) Tips 'n Tricks PIC16F1509
New Peripherals Tips 'n Tricks PIC16F1509
TB3096 PIC18F25K42
TB3097 PIC16F1513
TB3102 PIC12F1501
TB3118 PIC16F1509
TB3126 PIC18F66K40
TB3130 PIC18F66K40
TB3131 PIC10F322
TB3133 PIC10F322
TB3138 PIC18F66K40
TB3144 PIC18F66K40
TB3151 PIC18F66K40
TB3071 PIC16F1509
AN1450 Source Code PIC16F1512
AN1451 Source Code PIC16F1508
AN1467 Source Code PIC16F1513
AN1476 Source Code PIC16F1508
AN1921 Source code PIC16F1513
AN1660 Source Code PIC16F1508
AN1660 Design Files PIC16F1513
AN2045 EXP8I2CClick.X.zip PIC16F1513
AN2045 EXP8SPIClick.X.zip PIC16F1513
TB3071 Source Code PIC16F1509