LTM4641 - 38V, 10A DC/DC µModule (Power Module) Regulator with Advanced Input and Load Protection

The LTM®4641 is a switch mode step-down DC/DC μModule® (power module) regulator with advanced input and load protection features. Trip detection thresholds for the following faults are customizable: input undervoltage, overtemperature, input overvoltage and output overvoltage. Select fault conditions can be set for latchoff or hysteretic restart response—or disabled. Included in the package are the switching controller and housekeeping ICs, power MOSFETs, inductor, overvoltage drivers, biasing circuitry and supporting components. Operating from input voltages of 4V to 38V (4.5V start-up), the device supports output voltages from 0.6V to 6V, set by an external resistor network remote sensing the point-of-load’s voltage.

The LTM4641’s high efficiency design can deliver up to 10A continuous current with a few input and output capacitors. The regulator’s constant on-time current mode control architecture enables high step-down ratios and fast response to transient line and load changes. The LTM4641 is offered in a 15mm × 15mm × 5.01mm with SnPb or RoHS compliant terminal finish.

  • Wide Operating Input Voltage Range: 4.5V to 38V
  • 10A DC Typical, 12A Peak Output Current
  • Output Range: 0.6V to 6V
  • ±1.5% Maximum Total Output DC Voltage Error
  • Differential Remote Sense Amplifier for POL Regulation
  • Internal Temperature, Analog Indicator Output
  • Overcurrent Foldback and Overtemperature Protection
  • Current Mode Control/Fast Transient Response
  • Parallelable for Higher Output Current
  • Selectable Pulse-Skipping Operation
  • Soft-Start/Voltage Tracking/Pre-Bias Start-Up
  • 15mm × 15mm × 5.01mm BGA Package
  • SnPb or RoHS Compliant Finish
  • UVLO, Overvoltage Shutdown and Latchoff Thresholds
  • N-Channel Overvoltage Power-Interrupt MOSFET Driver
  • Surge Stopper Capable with Few External Components
  • Robust, Resettable Latchoff Overvoltage Protection
  • N-Channel Overvoltage Crowbar Power MOSFET Driver
Typical Application
LTM4641 Typical Application
LTM4641 Typical Application
  • Ruggedized Electronics
  • Avionics and Industrial Equipment
LTM4641 Package Drawing
Order Information
Part NumberPackageTempPrice(1-99)Price (1k)*
LTM4641EY#PBF15mm x 15mm x 5.01mm BGAE$37.07$25.95
LTM4641IY#PBF15mm x 15mm x 5.01mm BGAI$40.79$28.55
LTM4641MPY15mm x 15mm x 5.01mm BGAMP$83.18$58.23
LTM4641MPY#PBF15mm x 15mm x 5.01mm BGAMP$66.73$46.71
Demo Boards
Part NumberDescriptionPrice
DC1543ALTM4641 Demo Board | Buck uModule Regulator, Input and Load Protection, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 38V, Vout = 0.6V to 6V @ 10A$65.00
Design Note
Reliability Data
Product Selector Card
LT Journal
Press Release
CAD Symbol
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