
Debug Support
• Integrated debug support on Device. No debug header is required
• Optional external debug headers, AC244043 (F) / AC244044 (LF), are also available
• Debug and programming support is available via PICkit™ 3, and MPLAB® ICD 3
• For Debug Header information, please refer to

  • Enhanced Mid-range Core with 49 Instruction, 16 Stack Levels
  • Flash Program Memory with self read/write capability
  • Internal 32MHz oscillator
  • Integrated Capacitive mTouch Sensing Module
  • Data Signal Modulator Module
  • MI2C, SPI, EUSART w/auto baud
  • ECCP (Enhanced/Capture Compare PWM) Module
  • Comparator with selectable Voltage Reference
  • 4 Channel 10b ADC with Voltage Reference
  • 25mA Source/Sink current I/O
  • Two 8-bit Timers (TMR0/TMR2)
  • One 16-bit Timer (TMR1)
  • Extended Watchdog Timer (EWDT)
  • Enhanced Power-On/Off-Reset
  • Brown-Out Reset (BOR)
  • In Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP)
  • On Board In-Circuit Debug
  • Wide Operating Voltage (1.8V – 5.5V)
  • Low Power PIC12LF182x variants (1.8V – 3.6V)
  • Standby Current (PIC12LF182X): 20 nA @ 1.8V, typical
  • Active Current(PIC12LF1822): 50 uA/MHz @ 1.8V, typical
Parameter Name Value Value
Program Memory Type Flash Flash
Program Memory (KB) 3.5 3.5
CPU Speed (MIPS) 8 8
RAM Bytes 128 128
Data EEPROM (bytes) 256 256
Digital Communication Peripherals 1-UART, 1-A/E/USART, 1-SPI, 1-I2C1-MSSP(SPI/I2C) 1-UART, 1-A/E/USART, 1-SPI, 1-I2C1-MSSP(SPI/I2C)
Capture/Compare/PWM Peripherals 1 ECCP / 1 ECCP /
Timers 2 x 8-bit, 1 x 16-bit 2 x 8-bit, 1 x 16-bit
ADC 4 ch, 10-bit 4 ch, 10-bit
Comparators 1 1
Temperature Range (C) -40 to 125 -40 to 125
Operating Voltage Range (V) 1.8 to 5.5 1.8 to 5.5
Pin Count 8 8
XLP Yes Yes
Cap Touch Channels 4 4
PIC12(L)F1822/PIC16(L)F1823 8/14-Pin Flash MCUs w/ XLP TechnologyData Sheets09/29/20154341KB
PIC12(L)F1822/PIC16(L)F1823 Silicon Errata and Data Sheet ClarificationErrata07/31/2015131KB
PIC12(L)F1822/PIC16(L)F182X Memory Programming SpecificationProgramming Specification09/27/2012593KB
AN1302 - An I2C Bootloader for the PIC16F1XXX Enhanced CoreAppNote12/17/200992KB
AN1303 - Software Real-Time Clock and Calendar Using PIC16F1827AppNote12/16/200969KB
AN1488 - Bit Banging I2C on Mid-Range MCUs with the XC8 C CompilerAppNote03/07/2013530KB
AN1687 - Emulating High-Endurance Data EEPROM for PIC10 and PIC12AppNote04/29/2014425KB
AN2092 - Using the Temperature Indicator ModuleAppNote02/11/2016585KB
MPLAB® X IDE Product OverviewSell Sheets07/11/2011182KB
PIC12F/PIC16F182X Microcontroller Product OverviewSell Sheets08/30/2010134KB
Communicating with I2C serial EEPROM using a PIC12F1822Code Examples05/28/20133497KB
Setting up and using the Comparator on the PIC12F1822Code Examples01/29/20133528KB
Setting up the standard PWM peripheral on a PIC12F1822Code Examples01/22/2013122KB
Using the ADC and DAC on the PIC12F1822Code Examples01/27/20133527KB
Using the ADC on a PIC12F1822Code Examples01/23/20133481KB
Using the Timer1 Gate Feature to measure the width of a pulseCode Examples04/09/201366KB
Using the Timer1 Gate Feature to Measure the Width of a PulseWebinars12/14/201230564KB
AN1687 Source CodeAppNoteLiterature08/06/201410KB
PIC12F1822/16F182X 8/14/20-Pin 8-Bit Flash MCU Product BriefProduct Brief03/15/2010249KB
Ordering Information
Part NumberLeadsPackage TypeTemp RangePacking1+26+100+1000+5000+
PIC12F1822-E/MF8DFN-40C to +125CTUBE1.
PIC12F1822-E/P8PDIP-40C to +125CTUBE1.
PIC12F1822-E/SN8SOIC-40C to +125CTUBE1.101.010.920.840.80
PIC12F1822-I/MF8DFN-40C to +85CTUBE1.101.010.910.840.80
PIC12F1822-I/P8PDIP-40C to +85CTUBE1.101.010.910.840.80
PIC12F1822-I/SN8SOIC-40C to +85CTUBE1.000.920.830.770.73
PIC12F1822T-E/MF8DFN-40C to +125CT/R1.
PIC12F1822T-E/RF8UDFN-40C to +125CT/R1.111.010.920.840.80
PIC12F1822T-I/MF8DFN-40C to +85CT/R1.151.050.950.880.83
PIC12F1822T-I/RF8UDFN-40C to +85CT/R1.020.920.840.770.74
PIC12F1822T-I/SN8SOIC-40C to +85CT/R1.050.960.870.800.76
PIC12LF1822-E/MF8DFN-40C to +125CTUBE1.
PIC12LF1822-E/P8PDIP-40C to +125CTUBE1.
PIC12LF1822-E/SN8SOIC-40C to +125CTUBE1.101.010.920.840.80
PIC12LF1822-I/MF8DFN-40C to +85CTUBE1.101.010.910.840.80
PIC12LF1822-I/P8PDIP-40C to +85CTUBE1.101.010.910.840.80
PIC12LF1822-I/SN8SOIC-40C to +85CTUBE1.000.920.830.770.73
PIC12LF1822T-E/RF8UDFN-40C to +125CT/R1.111.010.920.840.80
PIC12LF1822T-I/MF8DFN-40C to +85CT/R1.151.050.950.880.83
PIC12LF1822T-I/RF8UDFN-40C to +85CT/R1.020.920.840.770.74
PIC12LF1822T-I/SN8SOIC-40C to +85CT/R1.050.960.870.800.76
Similar Devices
RoHS Information
PIC12F1822-E/P0.4867000.9000008PDIP.300inMatte Tine3
PIC12F1822-I/P0.4867000.9000008PDIP.300inMatte Tine3
PIC12F1822-I/SN0.0780000.1600008SOIC.150In(3.90mm)Matte Tine3
PIC12F1822T-I/SN0.0780000.2303038SOIC.150In(3.90mm)Matte Tine3
PIC12F1822T-E/SN0.0780000.2303038SOIC.150In(3.90mm)Matte Tine3
PIC12F1822-E/SNVAO0.0780000.1600008SOIC.150In(3.90mm)Matte Tine3
PIC12F1822T-E/SNVAO0.0780000.2303038SOIC.150In(3.90mm)Matte Tine3
PIC12F1822-I/SNVAO0.0780000.1600008SOIC.150In(3.90mm)Matte Tine3
PIC12F1822-E/SN0.0780000.1600008SOIC.150In(3.90mm)Matte Tine3
PIC12F1822T-I/SNVAO0.0780000.2303038SOIC.150In(3.90mm)Matte Tine3
PIC12F1822-E/MF0.0238000.0416678DFN3x3x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC12F1822-I/MF0.0238000.0416678DFN3x3x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC12F1822T-I/MF0.0238000.1727278DFN3x3x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC12F1822-E/MFVAO0.0238000.0416678DFN3x3x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC12F1822T-E/MF0.0238000.1727278DFN3x3x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC12F1822T-I/RF0.0122000.1363648UDFN3x3x0.5mmMatte Tine3
PIC12F1822T-E/RF0.0122000.1363648UDFN3x3x0.5mmMatte Tine3
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AN1687 Source Code PIC12F1840