
  • Enhanced Mid-Range Core with 49 Instruction, 16 Stack Levels
  • Flash Program Memory with self read/write capability
  • 256 Bytes of EEPROM
  • Internal 32MHz oscillator
  • 3 x PSMC (Programmable Switch Mode Controller)- Dedicated 16bit PWM- Digital and/or analog feedback control of PWM frequency- Dead-band control / auto-shutdown & restart
  • 4 x Fast Comparators with selectable Voltage Reference
  • 3 x Operation Amplifiers (rail-to-rail in and out)
  • 14 x 12-bit ADC with Voltage Reference
  • 8-bit DAC
  • MI2C / SPI / EUSART w/auto baud
  • 3 x Compare-Capture-PWM
  • Four 8-bit Timer (TMR0/TMR2/TMR4/TMR6)
  • One 16-bit Timer (TMR1)
  • Extended Watchdog Timer (EWDT)
  • Wide Operating Voltage Range:- ‘F’ Version (2.3V – 5.5V)- Low Power ‘LF’ variant (1.8V – 3.6V)
  • 25mA Source/Sink current I/O
  • Enhanced Power-On/Off-Reset
  • Brown-Out Reset (BOR)
  • In Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP)
Parameter Name Value Value
Program Memory Type Flash Flash
Program Memory (KB) 7 7
CPU Speed (MIPS) 8 8
RAM Bytes 512 512
Data EEPROM (bytes) 256 256
Digital Communication Peripherals 1-UART, 1-A/E/USART, 1-SPI, 1-I2C1-MSSP(SPI/I2C) 1-UART, 1-A/E/USART, 1-SPI, 1-I2C1-MSSP(SPI/I2C)
Capture/Compare/PWM Peripherals 3 CCP 3 CCP
Timers 2 x 8-bit, 1 x 16-bit 2 x 8-bit, 1 x 16-bit
ADC 14 ch, 12-bit 14 ch, 12-bit
Comparators 4 4
Temperature Range (C) -40 to 125 -40 to 125
Operating Voltage Range (V) 1.8 to 5.5 1.8 to 5.5
Pin Count 40 40
XLP Yes Yes
Cap Touch Channels 14 14
PIC16(L)F1784/6/7 28/40/44-Pin 8-Bit Advanced Analog Flash MCU Data SheetData Sheets08/14/20145944KB
PIC16(L)F1784/6/7 Silicon Errata and Data Sheet ClarificationErrata10/03/201488KB
PIC16(L)F178X Memory ProgrammingProgramming Specification09/21/2012610KB
AN1333 - Use and Calibration of the Internal Temperature IndicatorAppNote10/28/2013501KB
AN1450 - Delay Block/DebouncerAppNote07/30/20121414KB
AN1468 - Peripheral Brief: Programmable Switch Mode Controller (PSMC)AppNote10/30/20122041KB
AN1521 - Practical Guide to Implementing Solar Panel MPPT AlgorithmsAppNote05/14/2013440KB
AN1747 - Operational Amplifier Applications Using 8-Bit PIC MicrocontrollersAppNote02/11/2015464KB
AN1921 - Microchip TCP/IP Lite StackAppNote11/16/2015264KB
AN2039 - Four-Channel PIC16F1XXX Based Power SequencerAppNote11/30/2015706KB
AN2045 - Interfacing Serial EEPROMs with 8-Bit PIC MicrocontrollersAppNote01/21/20162087KB
AN2059 - LIN Basics and Implementation of the MCC LIN Stack Library on 8-Bit PIC MicrocontrollersAppNote02/24/2016816KB
AN2092 - Using the Temperature Indicator ModuleAppNote02/11/2016585KB
TB3132 - Operational Amplifier Module of 8-Bit PIC MicrocontrollersAppNote04/01/2015271KB
Bootloader Sell SheetBrochures05/22/20151201KB
Core Independent Peripherals for 8-bit PIC(R) Microcontrollers BrochureBrochures11/11/20123731KB
MPLAB® X IDE Product OverviewSell Sheets07/11/2011182KB
Communicating with I2C serial EEPROM using a PIC16F1784Code Examples05/25/20136604KB
Communicating with SPI serial EEPROM using a PIC16F1784Code Examples05/02/2013151KB
Setting up the DAC on the PIC16F1784Code Examples05/04/20135386KB
Setting up the UART in the PIC16F1784Code Examples05/19/20135481KB
AN1921 Source codeAppNoteLiterature09/10/201516041KB
AN2045 EXP8I2CClick.X.zipAppNoteLiterature01/21/2016684KB
AN2045 EXP8SPIClick.X.zipAppNoteLiterature01/21/2016417KB
PIC16(L)F1784/6/7 28/40/44-Pin 8-Bit Advanced Analog Flash MCU Product BriefProduct Brief01/23/2012349KB
PSMC Configuration GUIUser Guides04/18/2013707KB
PSMC Designer User's GuideUser Guides06/18/20131544KB
Ordering Information
Part NumberLeadsPackage TypeTemp RangePacking1+26+100+1000+5000+
PIC16F1784-E/ML44QFN-40C to +125CTUBE2.452.242.031.871.78
PIC16F1784-E/MV40UQFN-40C to +125CTUBE2.372.171.971.811.72
PIC16F1784-E/P40PDIP-40C to +125CTUBE2.522.312.101.931.83
PIC16F1784-E/PT44TQFP-40C to +125CTRAY2.332.141.941.781.69
PIC16F1784-I/ML44QFN-40C to +85CTUBE2.242.051.861.711.62
PIC16F1784-I/MV40UQFN-40C to +85CTUBE2.161.981.791.651.57
PIC16F1784-I/P40PDIP-40C to +85CTUBE2.312.121.921.771.68
PIC16F1784-I/PT44TQFP-40C to +85CTRAY2.121.941.761.621.54
PIC16F1784T-I/ML44QFN-40C to +85CT/R2.282.091.901.741.66
PIC16F1784T-I/MV40UQFN-40C to +85CT/R2.212.021.831.691.60
PIC16F1784T-I/PT44TQFP-40C to +85CT/R2.171.991.801.661.58
PIC16LF1784-E/ML44QFN-40C to +125CTUBE2.452.242.031.871.78
PIC16LF1784-E/MV40UQFN-40C to +125CTUBE2.372.171.971.811.72
PIC16LF1784-E/P40PDIP-40C to +125CTUBE2.522.312.101.931.83
PIC16LF1784-E/PT44TQFP-40C to +125CTRAY2.332.141.941.781.69
PIC16LF1784-I/ML44QFN-40C to +85CTUBE2.242.051.861.711.62
PIC16LF1784-I/MV40UQFN-40C to +85CTUBE2.161.981.791.651.57
PIC16LF1784-I/P40PDIP-40C to +85CTUBE2.312.121.921.771.68
PIC16LF1784-I/PT44TQFP-40C to +85CTRAY2.121.941.761.621.54
PIC16LF1784T-I/ML44QFN-40C to +85CT/R2.282.091.901.741.66
PIC16LF1784T-I/MV40UQFN-40C to +85CT/R2.212.021.831.691.60
PIC16LF1784T-I/PT44TQFP-40C to +85CT/R2.171.991.801.661.58
Similar Devices
RoHS Information
PIC16F1784-I/P6.50000010.60000040PDIP.600inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1784-E/P6.50000010.60000040PDIP.600inMatte Tine3
PIC16F1784T-I/PT0.2733000.74833344TQFP10x10x1mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1784-I/PT0.2733001.18750044TQFP10x10x1mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1784-E/PT0.2733001.18750044TQFP10x10x1mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1784T-E/PTVAO0.2733000.74833344TQFP10x10x1mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1784-I/ML0.1884000.28888944QFN8x8x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1784-E/ML0.1884000.28888944QFN8x8x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1784T-I/ML0.1884000.43750044QFN8x8x0.9mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1784-I/MV0.0425000.10958940UQFN5x5x0.5mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1784-E/MV0.0425000.10958940UQFN5x5x0.5mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1784T-I/MV0.0425000.16697040UQFN5x5x0.5mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1784T-E/MVVAO0.0425000.16697040UQFN5x5x0.5mmMatte Tine3
PIC16F1784T-E/MV0.0425000.16697040UQFN5x5x0.5mmMatte Tine3
PIC16(L)F1784/6/7 28/40/44-Pin 8-Bit Advanced Analog Flash MCU Data Sheet PIC16F1787
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AN1747 PIC16F1789
AN1921 PIC16F1513
AN1333 PIC16F1847
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Bootloader Sell Sheet PIC16F1513
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PIC16(L)F1784/6/7 28/40/44-Pin 8-Bit Advanced Analog Flash MCU Product Brief PIC16F1787
PSMC Configuration GUI PIC16F1789
MPLAB® X IDE Product Overview 24VL025
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AN1921 Source code PIC16F1513
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TB3132 PIC16F1787
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AN2045 EXP8SPIClick.X.zip PIC16F1513
Setting up the DAC on the PIC16F1784 PIC16F1784
Communicating with I2C serial EEPROM using a PIC16F1784 PIC16F1784
Communicating with SPI serial EEPROM using a PIC16F1784 PIC16F1784
Setting up the UART in the PIC16F1784 PIC16F1784